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Nearly 1600 species of native bees can be found in California's rich ecosystems and these colorful pocket-sized card sets will help you identify common bees and select plants for your garden or landscape to support bee populations year-round.
Included in the "Bees" cards are are gorgeous color photographs, a general description of appearance, the distribution and richness, flight season, foraging and nesting habits, and floral hosts for each of the 24 featured bees.
Also included is a brief description and illustration of the anatomy of a bee, a glossary, bibliography, and online resources so you can delve deeper into the lives of these fascinating social insects.
Included in the "Plants" cards are descriptions of 32 native and a select group of non-native plants, from blanket flower to yarrow, California poppy to California lilac. Also covers 6 varieties of sage.
Included are each plant's common, genus, and family names; most frequent bee visitors; floral resoures (nectar, pollen, or both); bloom time; plant height and width; general description, and growing information.
Also covers tips to attract bees including garden design, soil types best for plants and ground nesting bees, bee nesting requirements, and what to look for in a bee house.
These 3-1/2" x 5-1/4" card sets are spiral bound and printed on sturdy laminated paper designed to hold up to rough service in the field.